Harmonious World

Harmonious World #43 Christian Loffler

Hilary Robertson Season 4 Episode 43

Christian Loffler is a composer and artist and it was a pleasure to interview him for the latest episode of Harmonious World.

Parallels  is a fitting, 21st Century tribute to Beethoven, and it was released to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the composer. Our conversation explores Loffler's reworking of performances recorded in the 1920s after he was invited to experiment with the Deutsche Grammophon Shellac project.

Many thanks to Christian for allowing me to feature clips from Parallels  alongside our conversation.

To find out more about Christian, click here.

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Don't forget the Quincy Jones quote that sums up why I do this: "Imagine what a harmonious world it would be if every single person, both young and old, shared a little of what he is good at doing."

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